6 Amazing Benefits of Bodybuilding

benefits of bodybuilding

How many times have you been asked if bodybuilding is worth it? There are countless benefits of bodybuilding, but some people still aren’t convinced that this type of activity is worth the time and effort.

The fact of the matter is that when you build muscle, your body becomes stronger, healthier, and more beautiful. If you’re on the fence about starting a workout routine, these seven amazing benefits of bodybuilding will help you see the light!

1) Improves your health

bodybuilding improves health

According to a 2014 study from Brigham Young University, muscle tissue (i.e., body fat) is metabolically active and increases your daily energy expenditure—which in turn helps you burn more calories and even boosts your metabolism.

Boosting your metabolism can help you lose weight, but building muscle also has benefits that go beyond aesthetics: People with more muscle are typically able to work out harder and recover faster, which helps them increase their strength and endurance over time.

Lifting weights may also help protect against bone loss as you age, as well as loss of muscle mass, according to an analysis published in May 2010 in The Journal of Applied Physiology. Also, increasing lean muscle tissue can reduce fat mass over time.

2) Helps reduce stress

One of the great benefits of bodybuilding is that it can reduce stress. The reason behind it is a rise in cortisol levels, which can cause cravings for unhealthy foods when they’re too high.

In addition to reducing your cortisol levels, exercising has been shown to improve sleep quality and help balance your moods. These are just some of many benefits that bodybuilding provides, not just physical ones but also mental ones as well.

With so many more benefits than drawbacks to being a bodybuilder, what’s stopping you? You have nothing to lose but weight!
Whether you take up martial arts or kickboxing, yoga or pilates, running or rowing, strength training or body building – there are countless ways to get into an exercise routine.

If lifting weights at home seems intimidating or boring to you – check out a local gym and try other workout routines until you find one that speaks to your soul.

3) Helps you sleep better

bodybuilding helps you sleep better

Better sleep can help you fight off colds, reduce stress and anxiety, regulate hormones and improve your memory.

Plus, we need a certain amount of rest to stay healthy, so if you’re sleeping less than seven hours each night—or tossing and turning for more than 30 minutes at a time—it’s time to get more zzz’s. A great way to get your body in tip-top shape for sleep is by pumping some iron at least three times a week.

Working out is essential for good health, but weightlifting may be especially beneficial when it comes to helping you catch some shut-eye (and stay asleep). Here’s why: During exercise or physical activity, endorphins are released into your bloodstream.

4) Boosts your confidence

When you exercise, your confidence skyrockets. Exercise gives you a natural high and allows you to feel good about yourself.

You feel more physically attractive and are ready to face anything that comes your way, whether it be another workout or a meeting with a client. When in doubt, hit the gym! Exercising will make you stronger both mentally and physically so when something bad happens you can handle it better than ever before.

Working out is just like taking an anti-anxiety pill without all of those negative side effects. The benefits of bodybuilding go beyond boosting your confidence; read on for even more amazing benefits.

5) Increases your energy levels

Physical activity increases energy levels by releasing endorphins into your bloodstream. The more active you are, both physically and mentally, the more endorphins are released.

Therefore, any form of exercise will be beneficial to your energy levels—but bodybuilding is arguably one of the best forms. The resulting increase in energy can help you feel positive and productive during your day, further boosting productivity at work or school.

When most people think about building muscle, they only consider what it does for their appearance. But as we’ve already discussed, there are a number of significant health benefits linked with bodybuilding as well.

6) Makes you happier

Multiple studies have shown that exercise helps relieve depression, and weightlifting is no exception. When we work out, our bodies release endorphins—feel-good hormones—that not only make us feel better but also help us sleep better at night.

Improved moods from working out can be a powerful tool for improving other areas of your life as well; some studies have even shown that doing weight training three times a week for four weeks can significantly reduce symptoms in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD).

Building muscle boosts confidence and improves self-esteem by helping you see progress in both your physical and mental health.


When you build muscle, your body becomes stronger, healthier, and more beautiful. People with more muscle are typically able to work out harder and recover faster, which helps them increase their strength and endurance over time.

Lifting weights may also help protect against bone loss as you age, as well as loss of muscle mass. A good night’s sleep can help you fight off colds, reduce stress and anxiety, regulate hormones and improve your memory.

A great way to get your body in tip-top shape for sleep is by pumping some iron at least three times a week. Exercising will make you stronger both mentally and physically so when something bad happens you can handle it better than ever before.

Multiple studies have shown that exercise helps relieve depression, and weightlifting is no exception. Some studies have even shown that doing weight training three times a week for four weeks can significantly reduce symptoms in patients with major depressive disorder. Building muscle boosts confidence and improves self-esteem by helping you see progress in both your physical and mental health.

These were the few benefits of bodybuilding and reasons which encourage us to start it right now!



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