7 Amazing Benefits of Jogging That may surprise you

Benefits of Jogging

Jogging is a great form of cardio workout. There are so many benefits of jogging that it’s surprising that people don’t do it more often.

With your body burning calories and your heart pumping, you can boost your energy levels and mood while also helping to keep your weight in check and prevent disease.

You’ll find yourself feeling happier, calmer, and more productive overall, which will help you succeed in all areas of life if you make jogging a daily habit.

Here are some of the amazing benefits of jogging that you never knew about before.

Improve your mood

If you’re feeling blue, a short jog may lift your spirits. A review published in November 2009 in Sports Medicine looked at studies involving more than 500 people with major depressive disorder (MDD).

The review authors found that aerobic exercise, such as jogging or swimming, can help reduce symptoms associated with MDD. They also found that exercising three to five times a week for 30 to 40 minutes at 70 percent intensity can lead to better mood and energy levels.

Ultimately, physical activity and exercise is proven to be an effective treatment for depression—especially when paired with traditional medications and therapies—so take advantage of it! Even if you don’t have depression, a brisk walk outdoors can boost your mood and leave you feeling energized.

So lace up those sneakers and get moving. It will do wonders for your body and mind. There are many other benefits of jogging like: increasing blood circulation throughout your body, burning calories and helping you lose weight.

Some research even suggests that regular jogging may decrease your risk of developing heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure by decreasing cholesterol levels in your bloodstream.

Studies show that women who regularly run at least 3 miles per week may reduce their risk of breast cancer by 10 percent compared to non-runners.

And lastly, there’s some evidence to suggest that running reduces stress levels because endorphins released during exercise bind to opiate receptors in your brain—similarly to how painkillers work—which helps relieve stress on both psychological and physiological levels.

It’s good for your heart

Benefits of Jogging

Jogging is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. One of the best benefits of jogging is that it lowers your risk for cardiovascular disease, which can lead to heart attacks, strokes and other potentially fatal illnesses.

But did you know that one particular activity—jogging—can actually help strengthen your heart? The physical impact of jogging on your body will cause more blood to pump through your body and improve circulation. It’ll also encourage weight loss, making it easier for your heart to do its job without having to work too hard.

Not bad! Plus, research has shown that people who jog regularly are at lower risk for developing high blood pressure. And if you want to start running with a friend or in a group, check out our post about how to start running.

Running with others gives you motivation to keep going and reach new goals. Plus, it’s much safer than doing so alone. Check out our post about how to run faster if you’re looking for ways to kick up your speed when running solo or with friends.

This exercise can be good for your brain: Recent studies have shown that regular exercise not only improves cardiovascular health but brain health as well. Researchers found that people who exercised regularly had better memory and thinking skills than those who didn’t.

And even just a little bit of activity—such as walking to work or taking a short walk during lunch—can make a difference in how you think and feel throughout your day. In fact, one study showed that older adults who walked at least three times per week scored higher on cognitive tests than those who walked less often or not at all.

So if you’re looking to boost your brain power, consider adding some physical activity into your daily routine!

Jogging can help you sleep better

Benefits of Jogging

Most people love to sleep, but not everyone loves how they feel when they wake up. They can’t fall asleep easily or stay asleep long enough to be rested when they wake up in time for work or school. But if you know how to jog properly, you’ll see your sleep quality improve dramatically!

All it takes is a few simple adjustments to your daily routine. First, stick with short distances until you’re used to jogging again and build up from there; you want your body to take in a little bit of exercise each day rather than all at once every now and then.

Exercise also lowers stress levels, which helps keep cortisol (the stress hormone) under control—and we all know that high levels of cortisol wreak havoc on our ability to get good sleep! It’s important to note that working out in general reduces anxiety and boosts self-esteem, so any activity will help you unwind before bedtime.

It’s just as important to listen to your body as it is to follow a schedule. So if one night you’re exhausted after running 10 miles and don’t feel like jogging, skip it! And make sure you’re eating well before hitting the road too; being full of energy is crucial for getting through even small workouts without injury.

If you have diabetes, check with your doctor first to make sure jogging isn’t going to hurt you. Also, make sure you wear comfortable shoes and clothing.

Once you’ve got those details down pat, give jogging a try! With these tips, you’ll be sleeping better in no time.

Jog to work and back every day

Benefits of Jogging

It’s probably no surprise that there are a lot of health benefits to jogging, including strengthening your heart, building muscle and reducing body fat. But many people still don’t realize that these same benefits apply if you only do moderate exercise for 10 minutes a day.

The key here is consistency: Running regularly can improve endurance, mood and energy levels; reduce risk factors for diabetes, cancer and heart disease; enhance sleep quality; and even improve sex drive. Just try to jog at least three times per week to start seeing results.

And don’t worry about getting sweaty or wearing out your shoes—you’ll save money on both by running in place while watching TV or listening to music instead of going out for a run. Here are some more great tips for beginning runners.

When it comes to losing weight, all running does is burn calories — which means you won’t get very far without changing your diet as well. In fact, when it comes to weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight long-term, diet is what really matters most.

Not only does sticking with whole foods ensure that you’re getting all of your essential nutrients every day, but it also means that you’re less likely to experience common diet pitfalls like eating too much junk food or skipping meals because they’re not convenient (or good).

Make sure to make veggies an integral part of each meal — they’re cheap and filling yet easy on your calorie count — as well as protein sources like eggs and lean meats.

Get some exercise in every day

Benefits of Jogging

As people age, they may want to consider incorporating some form of physical activity into their routine. This can help prevent various diseases and generally improve one’s overall health. One such way to get exercise is jogging.

Not only does it burn calories in a relatively short period of time, but it also gives your cardiovascular system a great workout as well. Studies have shown that regular jogging can reduce one’s risk for certain types of cancer, heart disease and other serious illnesses as well.

It’s not just a good idea for adults; children should be encouraged to incorporate jogging into their daily activities as well. Even if you don’t feel like you have time, there are plenty of ways to sneak in some running here and there throughout your day.

Whether you run after work or school or on weekends, getting regular exercise will make you feel better both physically and mentally. And while many people might assume jogging requires expensive equipment, all you really need is a pair of shoes!

If you enjoy music while working out, bring along an MP3 player loaded with your favorite tunes so you won’t even notice how much time has passed. Once you start feeling more confident about going for longer distances, go ahead and invest in some athletic clothing to keep yourself comfortable during runs.

Plus, when was the last time someone said no to something fun? With all these benefits at stake, it’s no wonder so many people turn to jogging regularly! If you’re looking for something different from standard exercises like walking or biking—or if those aren’t giving you enough challenge—consider giving jogging a try.

Stay active without making time

Benefits of Jogging

The key to a successful workout routine is finding something you can do while also doing other things. Take jogging, for example. There’s always a chance you’ll find yourself with some extra time in between appointments or stuck in an airport lounge during a layover and need to get your blood pumping.

If jogging isn’t your thing (we hear ya), try running up and down stairs as often as possible. Don’t be afraid to combine workouts either—one study suggests that mixing strength training with cardio helps with weight loss even more than just cardio alone.

In fact, researchers at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center found that people who did both kinds of exercise lost 40 percent more weight than those who only did cardio.

This is because muscle burns more calories than fat when we’re at rest, so adding it to your routine will help you burn more calories even when you’re not exercising.

Plus, muscle tissue requires energy to maintain itself—about 25-30 calories per pound per day—so building muscle through strength training increases how many calories you burn each day by helping maintain muscle mass.

And don’t forget about intervals: Research from Laval University has shown that alternating high-intensity bursts of activity with short recovery periods can help boost metabolism for up to 24 hours after exercise ends!

This means if you walk for 30 minutes every morning, switching it up with a 20-minute jog every afternoon could help keep your metabolism revved all day long!

More energy during the day

Benefits of Jogging

As you start jogging, your body releases endorphins. If jogging for just 20 minutes a day has you feeling happier and more energetic, it’s no wonder that you’re doing your body good.

They block pain signals from reaching our brain. In addition to blocking pain signals, they can also improve mood and even make us feel better about ourselves.

This is because endorphins trigger feelings of pleasure in our brains—and help us feel less stressed out overall, according to Leah Kaufman, PhD, clinical psychologist at NYU Langone Medical Center. When stress levels go down, she explains, moods improve.

Feeling great can also lead you to be more productive during your workday: One study found that people who exercise regularly have higher self-esteem than those who don’t exercise regularly; as a result they tend to do better on tasks requiring focus or creativity.

So if you want to boost your energy level and confidence throughout the day, consider adding a jog into your morning routine. It might seem daunting now, but once you get started, it’ll be easier than ever before!

And when you find yourself feeling frustrated by something at work later in the day, take time to hit reset by going for a quick run outside.

The fresh air will give you new perspective on things and allow you to refocus on what matters most.


What if I jog 30 minutes a day?

According to a 2014 study published in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, people who walked or jogged had a 36 percent lower risk of premature death over five years compared to those who didn’t take any leisure-time physical activity. And, according to an August 2013 study in The BMJ, moderate-intensity exercise may help reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels by up to 17 percent more than walking. In addition, a 2009 meta-analysis published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that for every 15 minutes per day spent jogging, there was an average 4 percent drop in body fat. What’s more, researchers at Oregon State University say that running is comparable to resistance training when it comes to burning calories. So if you want to boost your metabolism even further—and shed pounds faster—you might consider mixing up your routine with some interval training. This will alternate between periods of high intensity work (such as running fast) with periods of rest (such as walking). Just be sure not to push yourself too hard; you don’t want your workout to turn into a race!

What happens if you jog everyday?

The obvious benefit is that you get in shape. The less obvious benefits are improved mood, better sleep and stronger bones. Even if you’re a couch potato with poor eating habits and zero exercise, it will still do your body good to get up and move for 30 minutes a day. According to several studies in major medical journals, running or walking for just a half-hour three times per week cuts your risk of dying prematurely by 50 percent. It also reduces your chances of developing cancer, heart disease and diabetes. If you already have one of these diseases, jogging can slow its progression or help keep it under control. And while we’re on the subject: Running can also help you lose weight—even if you don’t change what you eat. In fact, research shows that runners tend to be leaner than people who don’t jog regularly because they consume fewer calories during their workouts (which means they burn more calories overall). It’s not unusual for serious runners to drop 10 pounds or more over six months without trying—and even more over time!

How long should I jog for?

If you’re just getting started on your jogging journey, start with a 1-minute jog and one-minute walk intervals. If that feels too difficult, add 30 seconds each week to your jog time until you get to 10 minutes per session. A 5K run is usually around 15 minutes, so depending on your goals, shoot for at least 20 minutes of jogging a day. Stick with it and in no time, you’ll be running marathons (and bragging about it). How should I prepare before my jog?: When you first begin your jogging routine, give yourself some time to warm up before starting. Warming up will help loosen muscles and prepare them for exercise—and it can also help prevent injury. Make sure to warm up by walking slowly for five minutes or so before beginning your jog session. And don’t forget to stretch afterwards! Stretching after exercising helps reduce muscle soreness by increasing blood flow and range of motion in muscles.



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